Level Up Learning Tutors

Who We Are

Level Up Learning Tutors is the only private tutoring company that provides uniquely specialized services to holistically support students. Based on the science of adolescent brain development, we know that learning is interconnected within all stages of development. For that reason, we believe in the power of supporting students as whole learners.

We utilize an innovative system to accurately determine a student’s greatest areas of strengths and needs within the cognitive, social-emotional, and academic domains. We support students abundantly in all areas to achieve well-rounded excellence. By taking a holistic and individualized approach to our tutoring sessions, we empower students to unlock their greatest potential. Our unique process combined with dependable, dedicated, and trustworthy tutors leads to transformational results.

How We Can Help You

Due to the deeply individualized approach we take for our tutoring sessions, we have the ability to masterfully support every student. Whether a student needs extra support or an extra challenge, it can be found here. Our team is composed of highly specialized professionals that have proven to be masters in their fields.

  • Core Subjects - Reading, Writing, Math

  • Remote Learning, Small Learning Groups

  • Homework Support, Homeschooling Support

  • Standardized Tests, College Admissions Guidance

  • Learning Disabilities, Autism, ADHD, Executive Functioning

Why Level Up?

If you are interested in individualizing your child’s academic journey, Level Up Learning Tutors is the company for you. We are living in a time when education has become increasingly distant, general, and simultaneously more competitive. Our personalized experience provides students with the support and guidance they need, along with the peace of mind that parents seek. Our mission is to provide nothing short of excellent services for every student.

Our Values

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Our team is incredibly successful at accomplishing your goals because we understand that every person learns differently. Each student has their own academic strengths and needs. We seek to understand the way your child best learns and utilize their strengths to their advantage.

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Level Up Learning Tutors believe in the power of working together. When you work with Level Up Learning, you’ll have an entire team of educational specialists working with your child, your family, and your child’s school to support progress towards their goals.



We believe in the power of a growth mindset. We know that every student’s academic achievements can be improved with the right tools, skills, and mindset. Our goal is to empower all students to feel confident in their abilities to learn. If a plan is not working, we will adjust until we find a plan that works!


Our Whole Learner Support System

We go beyond academics to foster student success.

At Level Up, we know based on the science of adolescent brain development and learning that within all stages development, learning is interconnected. Therefore, we believe in the power of supporting students as whole learners. Our tutors can foster positive social, emotional, and academic skills, mindsets, and habits among their students.

We utilize an innovative system to accurately determine a student’s greatest areas of strengths and needs within the cognitive, social-emotional, and academic domains. We support students abundantly in all areas to achieve well-rounded excellence. By taking a holistic and individualized approach to our tutoring sessions, we help students unlock their greatest potential.



Cognitive skills are brain-based abilities that form the mechanisms for how we learn, retain information, problem-solve, and think critically.

Attention: Mental Energy, Processing, Production

Higher Order Thinking: Concept Formation, Critical Thinking, Problem Solving

Memory: Short-Term, Working, Long-Term

Language: Receptive, Expressive



Social-Emotional skills include an ability to recognize and control emotions and behaviors, establish and maintain positive relationships, behave responsibly, solve challenges, set goals, etc.

Social Skills: Internalizing Behaviors, Collegiality, Social Acumen

Learning Skills: Collaboration, Study Skills, Self-Advocacy



Academics refers to a student’s ability to master content and skills specific to each subject area.

Academic: Reading, Writing, Math, Content Knowledge

At Level Up, we know that the key to helping students succeed is getting them help where they need it most.

After just one session, you will feel more at ease having an individualized plan designed for your student’s success.

In an individualized setting, students are provided their own space to make mistakes, learn from them, and be encouraged to keep going, without the common pressures of a classroom. We do what we do because our biggest joy comes from seeing a student’s confidence in their abilities soar after being set up for success. When a student observes success in their progress and abilities, their motivation and interest grows with them.

Why hire a tutor from Level Up Learning?

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Education is the foundation on which your child will build their life. A professional tutor from Level Up provides students with the support and guidance they need, along with the peace of mind that parents seek.


Expert Guidance.

Our expert learning specialists will lighten the burden on your favorite student through skilled coaching. We’ll use our innovative approach and work with your family to determine the best approach to your most pressing concerns.

Strategic Plan.

We’ll take the time and careful attention to match your student with the learning specialist best suited for the job. That learning specialist and our team will take the time to create a specific plan that is catered to your child’s unique strengths and abilities, strategically designed to lead to success. From start to finish, your experience with Level Up Learning Tutors will be individualized for your student.

Motivation and Support.

When a student is struggling in school they often find themselves lost, lacking motivation, and wanting to give up. We’re here to provide them the support they need to rediscover their strengths and ignite the internal motivation that will lead them to success.


Where can your student receive services?


At Home.

We’ll come to you! Our tutors provide services in the convenience of your home where your child is most comfortable. Prefer to work at the neighborhood library or a coffee shop? We can do that too!

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In the midst of a global pandemic or not, every aspect of our world is experiencing technology integration. We’ve developed a toolbox of online resources to reach as many students, in as many places, as possible. Learn more.

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In School.

Many of our state certified tutors have the ability to provide special education services at your child’s school to provide additional support and fulfill services that the school may not have the resources for.


Why wait for your child to unlock their greatest potential?

“Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to those who prepare for it today.”
- Malcolm X

Now is the time to
